We study the interplay between structure and dynamics in socio-technical networks. We apply our theoretical, empirical and experimental approaches to understand contagion processes in social networks with applications to Management.
Recent News
[Feb 02, 2025] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Utilizing large-scale human mobility data to identify determinants of physical activity” in collaboration with George Ioannou, Marios Dikaiakos and George Pallis from the UCY Computer Science Department, published in the Scientific Reports.
[Jun 28, 2024] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Enhancing employee engagement through the integrating leadership and employee job resources: Evidence from a public health care setting,” in collaboration with Giorgos Giallouros and Andreas Soteriou from UCY and George Nikolopoulos from UCY Medical School, published in the International Public Management Journal.
[May 9, 2023] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Neglecting complex network structures underestimates delays in a large-capital project,” in collaboration with Christos Ellinas from Nodes & Links and Demetris Avraam from University of Liverpool, published in the Journal of Physics: Complexity.
[Oct 11, 2021] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Social Status and Novelty Drove the Spread of Online Information During the Early Stages of COVID-19,” in collaboration with Antonis Photiou and Paramveer Dhillon from University of Michigan, published in Scientific Reports.
[Sep 22, 2021] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “The Efficiency of US Public Space Utilization During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” in collaboration with Seth G. Benzell and Avinash Collis, published in Risk Analysis.
[July 28, 2021] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Modelling disease transmission from touchscreen user interfaces” in collaboration with Andrew Di Battista from Ultraleap and Orestis Georgiou from IRIDA research center published in Royal Society Open Science. *News Coverage: Cosmos Magazine, Phileleftheros, RIK News appearance
[Jul 08, 2021] Christos Nicolaides paper in collaboration with Marc Santolini from CRI Paris and Christos Ellinas from Nodes & Links, on “Uncovering the fragility of large-scale engineering projects,” published in EPJ Data Science.
[Jun 06, 2021] Christos Nicolaides paper on “Transmission of Vaccination Attitudes and Uptake Based on Social Contagion Theory: A Scoping Review,” in collaboration with researchers at the Psychology Department at University of Cyprus and Yale University published in Vaccines (read the paper).
[Apr 01, 2021] Christos Nicolaides paper on “Modeling the First Wave of Covid-19 Pandemic in the Republic of Cyprus,” in collaboration with the department of Mathematics and Statistics and the School of Medicine at the University of Cyprus published in Scientific Reports (read the paper).
[Feb 01, 2021] Christos Nicolaides and Demetris Avraam’s paper on Hand-hygiene mitigation strategy against global disease spreading has received 2020 best paper award by the Risk Analysis society. News Coverage: Phileleftheros
[Jan 07, 2021] Demetris Avraam and Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Privacy Preserving Data Visualizations,” in collaboration with researchers at University of Newcastle, published in EPJ Data Science (read the paper).
[Sep 01, 2020] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on “Boosting Business Value by Reducing COVID-19 Transmission Risk,” in collaboration with Seth G. Benzell and Avinash Collis, published in MIT Sloan Management Review (read the paper).
[July 30, 2020] Christos Nicolaides’ paper on the “Interdependence and the Cost of Uncoordinated Responses to COVID-19,” in collaboration with Sinan Aral, Dean Eckles and other members of MIT IDE, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (read the paper).
Media Coverage: The Boston Globe, LA Times (op-ed), The Washington Post, MSNBC, Yahoo Finance, WGBH (Boston), The Hill (op-ed), MIT Sloan, TechRepublic, Miami Herald.
[Jun 10, 2020] Christos Nicolaides paper on “Rationing Social Contact During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Transmission Risk and Social Benefits of US Locations” in collaboration with Seth G Benzell and Avinash Collis from MIT, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U.S.A. (read the paper).
Media Coverage: CNN, NPR, Forbes, Bloomberg, Fast Company, Business Insider, Yahoo, Marginal Revolution, Brookings, FOX4 Dallas, MIT News, Marketplace, Marker, MIT Sloan, MIT Technology Review, San Diego Metro, LAist, AssociationsNow, UT McCombs, Austin-American Stateman.
Media Mentions: The New York Times (1), The New York Times (2) Financial Times, WSJ
[Mar 12, 2020] Christos Nicolaides has been part of the seminar for the Risk Analysis Perspectives on Coronavirus organized by the Society for Risk Analysis.
[Mar 11, 2020] Christos Nicolaides has appeared in TBS eFM This Morning Show in Seoul, South Korea.
[Mar 06, 2020] Christos Nicolaides has been named “Professor of the week” by Poets&Quants. Read the Story.
[Mar 03, 2020] Christos Nicolaides and Demetris Avraam’s paper on hand washing as mitigation strategy against the spread of diseases appears as cover story at MIT Sloan School of Management webpage. Read the Story.
[Feb 29, 2020] Christos Nicolaides appears in a Voice of America video story on the importance of hand washing in airports.
[Feb 06, 2020] Christos Nicolaides and Demetris Avraam’s paper on hand washing as mitigation strategy against the spread of diseases through the air transportation network has been covered by MIT News. Additional News Coverage: MIT Sloan News, CNBC, USA Today, The Atlantic, Voice of America (Vid), The Washington Times, CBS Boston (Vid), Business Insider, U.S. News, STAT, CATO Institute, The Telegraph (UK) (1 & 2), The Independent (UK), Metro (UK), Express (UK), Daily Mail (UK), World Economic Forum, Medical XPress, MedicalNewsToday, Medical Daily, Economic Times, SciTechDaily, News Medical, MindBodyGreen, EurekAlert, Science Alert, MarketWatch, YahooNews In., Science Daily, ContagionLive, International Airport Review, Times of India, Times Now (India), Newshub. (NZ), Focus (Italy), WIRED (Italy), CosumerAffairs, IFLScience, ScienceBlogs, GHNW, Deutsches Ärzteblatt (Germany), El Agora (Spain), El Confidencial (Spain), Galileu (Brasil), Newsweek (Japan), ACSH, Society for Risk Analysis (Press Release).